Survive The Fall (Dark Eagle Book 1) Read online

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  “Business partners have been known to dance.”

  “Not us.” She wrote her address on a sheet of paper, handed it to him, and left the table, not looking back once as she walked out the door. Holy hell, she was marvelous. That backbone of steel, the icy darts she'd shot his way, all of it turned him on. She had no clue how sexy she was. Women who were pushovers didn't interest him, but Kel made him hard as a rock.

  That night, when she'd approached him, she'd been forward, stating exactly what she wanted. He'd admired her, loving how she'd just laid it out. Now, she was just as direct in what she needed from him. Too bad it didn't include sex.

  The travel plans, he wanted more information. If it had been anyone else, he would have told her flat out, no way. Clem had been right. She was cagey. The woman had given almost no information. But no way would he allow a stranger to be the one to travel with her. He didn't believe for a second her trip was innocent. She was planning something dangerous, and he hoped he could talk her out of doing something too stupid.


  Kelsey couldn't believe the guy Clem had set her up to meet was none other than the man she'd asked to her room. They'd had wild sex which had done the trick and helped her forget for a brief while, but it hadn't extinguished all of her thoughts. His touch had only dulled the pain and the memories.

  Now this man would be the one who would travel to Algiers with her to kill the man who had planned the attack that had destroyed her family.

  How had this happened? Why this man? He tempted her like none other. If she didn't keep him at arm's length, she'd risk falling into a pit of despair. Just seeing him brought too many emotions to the surface. Maybe she should tell him to go away. She could find another man to help her. But she was cutting it close. They needed to travel in two weeks. Actually, they'd have to leave in eight days. She needed to be in Algeria in ten days. If she wanted to get ahead of the bastard who'd ruined her life, she had to be there the day before he arrived. It would be close, and maybe that wouldn't be possible, but she had to try.

  Getting close enough to the terrorist would happen. Kelsey had a plan. It was crazy, but she would make it work. She had the location where he planned to dine with his friends. It was the only clue she had. The guy who had killed her father, Abdul Basir Zaeim, was staying with friends, and most of his arrangements were secret, but she'd happened upon a comment in a private group where someone had been bragging about a dinner with Zaeim. That was enough information for her to act. This might be the only time she'd have a chance to kill the bastard. She had to take this opportunity because it may be years before she got another.

  Like most nights, sleep didn't come easy. She had to wait to book the trip until Adam came out to talk to her. This would happen, and revenge would be hers. Then she could rest.

  This morning, she'd woken with a gasp. The dream had taken her to dark places with Adam chasing her, trying to make her quit. Maybe using Adam wasn't a good idea, but she had few options. This plan had to work. The people who killed her father and brother had to pay.

  After rolling out of bed, she did her daily bathroom routine and stepped out onto the wraparound porch. The wind was blowing. Cool weather threatened something even colder. In North Carolina, she'd done Tai Chi every morning before worked. She'd been the youngest student in the class, but she believed in the benefits it offered.

  She began with the horse stance then moved with control to a T-stance. Her arms were fluid, her mind connecting with nature. Her heart quickened, and she forced herself to calm. There would be time to celebrate after she finished the job. She moved into a bow stance, freeing her mind.

  The sound of tires on gravel tugged her from her meditation, and she opened her eyes, spying the strange truck about a half mile away, headed straight to her house. She didn't recognize the vehicle. She recovered from the stance and bowed to the day, completing her session before entering her bedroom and locking the door behind her.

  Was Brick early? She checked the time, realizing she'd slept later than usual. He was right on time. She dressed in jeans and a dark T-shirt then checked her hair in the mirror. It was a mess, but there wasn't any way to fix the mop before he arrived. She pulled her hair up, hating that she even cared what he thought. He wasn't here for her, not like that. Besides, he'd been the one to take off without leaving a note. That morning, before she'd fully come awake, she'd thought about giving him her real name, saying he should contact her if ever he found himself on the eastern side of the country around Charlotte. But that wouldn't have worked out anyway since she'd stayed here.

  The truck stopped, the engine turned off as she stepped into the den. She told herself the deep breath was needed because of the mission, but she knew better.

  Seeing Adam again made her long for things she didn't think she deserved. Her heartbeat quickened, and her mouth watered at the thought of tasting him again. This wasn't why he was here, and it wasn't what he wanted from her. That night had been about sex, nothing more. Why she'd thought he was different was beyond her. It had to have been the stress of the day, nothing more.

  She opened the door, watching as he stopped at the front of his truck. His low ball cap hid his eyes, but she remembered how expressive they were. The beard hid his delicious mouth. She couldn't tell if he was smiling or frowning. Broad shoulders stretched his shirt, making him look even bigger than he was, though he was really huge. His legs clad in blue jeans appeared almost painted on. This man was a wet dream come true. He was positively delicious. She wanted to sit on his thick thighs and experience the power again. The man was all muscle, and she knew how devastating that muscle was in bed.

  Kelsey pushed away her lust as she cleared her throat and moved to the edge of the porch, sticking out her hand for a shake.

  He stopped too far away to shake her hand, and she let it drop to her side, feeling awkward.

  “Angel,” he said.

  For a second, she thought he was smirking. “Brick.”

  “This is business, so let's begin. What countries will we be traveling to?”

  “We'll land in Spain, travel to Algiers and then take the ferry to Marseille, France.” She waited for him to say something, but he only shook his head before he spat on the ground. “I have business in Algiers,” she added as her nerves grew.

  “Do it over the computer. Skype or Facetime, anything other than going into Algeria.”

  “Impossible,” she spat out.

  He climbed the four stairs faster than she'd ever seen them climbed and was right next to her, his face only inches from hers. She took a step back, but he stayed close.

  “I want it on record that this is stupid,” he growled.

  Anger rose inside, and she wanted to shove him away, but she needed his muscle. A part of her wanted to tell him to go to hell, she'd find someone else. But there wasn't anyone else in Cheyenne she trusted. Maybe in a different area of the country, she'd find a different man to travel with her, but not out here in the boonies. This massive beast of a man would protect her.

  She had no choice but to show her backbone and impress upon Adam she meant business.

  “The situation is under control. Now tell me, will you be going, or are you too afraid?”

  His eyes searched hers, his lips turned down in a frown. Menace poured off him. If only he kept this face while traveling, then no one would mess with her.

  After a few more seconds he gave a sharp nod. “Fine, when do we leave?”

  “In seven days.”

  “Do you have—” His gaze flicked over her body and she warmed. “Appropriate clothing. They don't like western women over there.”

  “I have what I need.”

  “I'll need your full itinerary, so I can plan for security.”

  “I'll send the information to you once I make the arrangements.”

  “Fine.” He looked like he'd finished speaking, then his eyes narrowed just a little more. “Half the cash up front.”

  “Sounds good. Come insi
de, and we'll begin. Would you like coffee?”

  “Yes, thank you.”

  She turned and breathed a sigh of relief. He was coming with her. Was she only excited because her plan could go through, or was she happy to have him close because he was the best sex she’d ever had?

  Kelsey pushed the thought away as she led him to the living room where the old table bought by her grandmother still sat. It wasn't fancy, and there were scratches across the wood, but she couldn't throw away the piece. There'd been too many family dinners at this table. Just like Gramps, the scarred wood held meaning for her.

  “I'll get the coffee and my computer. Then we can arrange travel.”

  “Sounds good.”

  She headed into the kitchen then made her way to the office she'd set up in the bedroom close to the laundry room. No way would she allow him back here. There was too much evidence of her real plan on the tables and tacked to the walls.

  With her laptop in hand, she walked into the kitchen where she grabbed the coffee service. She had to set her laptop down to pick up the coffee.

  “I can grab that.”

  Kelsey jumped and spun around, her heart thundering. “Shit, you scared me.”

  “Sorry, didn't mean to.”

  “How did you sneak up on me like that?”

  He shrugged. “Quiet on my feet I guess.”

  She shook her head and then turned to the coffee service. “You could grab my computer. We'll set up at the table.”


  He followed behind her, his feet making almost no noise. She sounded like a lumbering fool, and he sounded like he was floating though he probably weighed about a hundred pounds more than her.

  She set the coffee down and poured herself a cup before waving her hand at the tray. “There's creamer if you like.”


  It was awkward being with him. Thoughts of their time together demanded attention. Kelsey stared at him and remembered how he'd taken her to new heights. The memories played havoc with her and heat filled her. For a moment, she wanted to strip off her clothes.

  Adam poured himself some coffee then sat, a smug smile on his face. Her anger rose as she fought to ignore him. This was business, nothing more.

  Kelsey grabbed her laptop, pulling it close. She opened the lid and signed in, typing her password so the screen blocked his view of her hands. She didn't need him knowing how to log in and see her information. For some strange reason, she had a feeling he was more deceptive than he let on.

  She navigated to the airline site and booked two tickets. After entering her information, she turned so he could see the computer screen. “Put in your info.”

  He gave a quick nod and typed his information into the screen.

  “I'm assuming you have a passport,” she said.

  “Sure do.”

  “Good. We'll be taking the flight out at eleven in the morning, flying into New York. From there we'll hop over to Spain.”

  “And how will we get to Algeria?”

  “By ferry on the evening of the ninth. We'll sleep on the ferry. I'll arrange for a room.”

  “What time is your meeting?”

  “You won't be going with me to the meeting.”

  “I should—”

  “No. This is a meeting I have to attend alone. We'll be leaving on the ferry the next morning, early. Then we'll fly home from France that evening.”

  He looked like he wanted to say something, but he kept his mouth shut. Kelsey had no doubt he didn't trust her, but he didn't need to. This was why she didn't need a relationship. If there were a guy in her life, he'd think he had a say in what she did. This man’s input wasn't necessary because she had this under control. She knew where Abdul Basir Zaeim would be and how to rid the world of him. Once she wiped that man from the face of the earth, she'd say goodbye to Adam and then go back to her quiet life on the ranch.

  Adam finished entering his information and sat back as he sipped his coffee. She didn't like his scrutiny and squirmed. Anger rose, and she pushed away the weird feelings swirling inside. This wasn't how she wanted to feel around him. He brought too many emotions to the surface. She'd need to work on resisting him. In a week and a few days, she'd be face to face with the man she planned on killing. At that point, nothing could affect her. She would have to be solid and keep distraction at bay as she worked to rid this world of that man.


  Adam didn't like their travel plans. No question, she was hiding something she planned on doing in Algeria, possibly something illegal. He only hoped it wasn't so bad he lost her.

  Once he finished at her place, he headed home and searched for what his sweet angel wanted in Algeria. After a quick look on the internet and in a few military communities he still had access to, he found nothing. He had a bad feeling, but he wouldn't abandon her.

  The days passed slowly, then he was at her ranch, picking her up at eight in the morning to head to the airport. Nervous energy bounced off her, distracting him. He pushed away the attraction and her nerves and focused on his task of keeping her safe.

  Surprisingly, the flight passed quickly, and they were in Spain. He loved Spain and wished they could spend more time hanging out in the city, but she was adamant about arriving at the ferry building on time.

  They were in the line for taxis, and he pulled her to the side. “What time does the ferry leave?”

  “Six this evening. It's almost noon. We need to be there.”

  “No, if you head over there now, they'll think you're doing something wrong. Let's go to a restaurant and grab a bite to eat.”

  Her nostrils flared, and she looked like she wanted to argue. The man in charge of the taxi line waved at him.


  He held up his hand and nodded. “We're headed to a restaurant.”

  “This isn't part of the plan,” she complained under her breath.

  “We're here. I'm in charge of security. Trust me on this. Now, we have a taxi waiting. Grab your gear and let's go.”

  He took her under the arm and waited one second while she grabbed her suitcase. They slipped back into the line. The taxi man rolled his eyes as Kel passed. He wanted to set the man straight, but it wasn't worth it. So what if the guy thought Kel was a spoiled brat, better that than what Jackson was thinking about her?

  The driver took them to Plaza Santisima Faz where they dined at an outdoor café. Her eyes darted from one corner of the plaza to the other.

  “Calm down,” he said in a low voice.

  “What?” she asked, her brows bunched.

  “Listen, I don't know what you have planned, but if you don't chill out, it will not go well. Just take a few deep breaths. Laugh and act like the other tourists. Pretend to be having a grand time.”

  She swallowed and nodded then gave a laugh he knew was fake but might sound real to others. He ate slowly, enjoying each bite. Kel matched his speed. They wandered around downtown, and Kel pretended to window-shop. The city was quaint, pretty, and full of character. He would love to spend more time here, but they had a job to do. By the time they headed to the street to hail a taxi, they had about thirty minutes before check-in for the ferry. He tugged her over to a purse shop and told her she should buy one.

  Her brows bunched, and he leaned in, his lips at her ears. “Make this look like a tourist trip. You haven't bought anything. You want to be believable, buy something.”

  She nodded and took the purse to the register where she paid with a credit card that would track her spending. Adam hated that she was acting so nervous. If she wanted someone to believe her, she would need to take it down a notch.

  They made it to the ferry terminal, checked in, and walked on to the ship. They didn’t have to wait, which made it less likely anyone would pay attention to them. Her nerves had him on edge, but he had to remain calm.

  The room was small but private. Bunk beds were on one wall, and the other had a TV and a sink. After using the restroom, Kel stepped into the
cabin and stared out the window, her thumb at her mouth as she chewed on the nail.

  “I don't know what's got you so worked up, but you need to calm down.”

  She blinked before her eyes focused on him. “I'm fine. I'm just excited about the meeting.”

  “Your excitement will draw attention.”

  She huffed out a breath, but she looked stiff and nervous. “I'll be fine.”

  Worry filled him. He wondered if he should pull them off this crazy trip. Something wasn't right, but he couldn't pinpoint what was wrong. While they were out on this trip, he would need to watch her like a hawk.

  Kel shooed him out of the room to dress for dinner. When she stepped into the hallway, his breath caught. Beautiful didn't even begin to describe her. He wished they were back in that hotel playing games instead of here, having to be serious. No doubt, she would turn heads. If she was going for incognito, she'd failed. He almost felt sorry for the men on this ferry.

  “You look lovely,” Adam said as he grasped her elbow. Her cheeks turned a darker shade of pink, and her eyelids lowered just a little. A slight smile graced her lips. No matter how standoffish she seemed, he still got to her.

  He wasn't sure how he felt about that. Obviously, he was attracted to her. She got him going. With her dressed in black, her neck circled by white pearls, drawing his eye to the keyhole opening in her dress, he was more than just a little turned on.

  To make this work, he would have to keep a tight rein on his desire. She wasn’t here for him. This was business, he reminded himself for the hundredth time.

  They headed to the ala-cart dining room and were seated immediately. The looks Kelsey garnered made him want to cover her body with a sack and keep her hidden.

  To him, she seemed stiff. He didn't like the attention she was drawing. Maybe she wasn't planning to do anything illegal in Algeria. Perhaps she had a perfectly innocent reason to travel to Algiers. But he didn't think so.

  After they ate, he suggested they head up to walk on the deck. The moon was high above, stars shining brightly. There were other ships out on the water, but none close. He led her to an empty spot next to the deck railing. The wind was a little chilly, and he wondered if she wanted his coat. She didn't ask, and he didn't offer since they weren't dating. This was a business arrangement though he wanted that to change. Wasn't likely because she'd been clear about what she expected from this arrangement.